Listed below are the current companies and owner-operators that have joined in support of our green efforts and have joined the Green Operator family:
Green Operator Completed Contact List
Company or Owner Operator | Number of Trucks in Program | Replacement/Retrofit |
C&K Trucking, LLC | 10 | Retrofit |
GTL Transport Co., Inc. / Hudd Transportation | 59 / 9 | Retrofit |
Evans Delivery Co., Inc. | 28 | Retrofit |
A-Plus, Inc. | 2 | Replacement |
Gilco Properties, Inc. | 2 | Replacement |
Gilco Properties, Inc. | 24 | Retrofit |
Lilly International, Inc. | 1 | Replacement |
University Corp | 9 | Replacement |
Boykins Trucking | 1 | Retrofit |
LC Trucking | 1 | Retrofit |
Consolidated Logistics Center | 10 | Replacement |
Faith Express | 1 | Replacement |
Leighton Trucking | 1 | Replacement |
Cross Globe | 5 | Replacement |
Wm – J. Gatling Sr. Trucking | 1 | Replacement |
J. H. Griffin Hauling | 1 | Replacement |
LoLo Express | 1 | Replacement |
Pilot Intermodal | 1 | Replacement |
Service Transfer | 10 | Replacement |
Port City Transportation | 1 | Replacement |
Ray Bazemore | 1 | Replacement |
W.E.B. Trucking | 1 | Replacement |
Time Dispatch | 1 | Replacement |
Gone 2 Get It, Inc. | 1 | Retrofit |
Drazen Suzic | 1 | Retrofit |
DD Jones Transportation Services, Inc. | 3 | Replacement |
Dallas Mavis | 1 | Requested Decal |
K&A Transportation, LLC | 1 | Requested Decal |
TTSI | 1 | Requested Decal |